7 Signs of an Inefficient Air Conditioner in Calvert Beach, MD

If you have an inefficient air conditioner in your Calvert Beach, MD, home, you may notice signs telling you something is wrong. You don’t want to be without your AC system during the summer months. Look out for these seven signs of an ineffective air conditioner:

Expensive Utility Bills

When your AC system is malfunctioning, you’ll notice a sudden spike in this bill. When you’re looking at your utility bill, you may also notice that it can increase dramatically without a change in weather, season or utility rates. Even if you haven’t noticed any of these issues, it’s best to schedule regular maintenance for your AC system and have a qualified service technician evaluate it.

Dirty Air Filter

Your air conditioner’s filter is essential because it allows clean air to flow steadily throughout your home. Since they prevent dirt, dust and other debris from entering the appliance, AC filters can quickly get dirty. When these filters are dirty, it’s harder for the air conditioner to circulate clean air throughout your home, decreasing efficiency.

Check your AC filters at least once a month, and chance them at least every three months. During high use of this appliances, especially in the summer, you may have to change the filters more frequently. The more people and pets in your home, the more frequently you should change the filter.

Leaking Air Conditioner Coils

Neglecting the AC system’s filters can promote the buildup of dust and debris on the evaporator coils in the blower. Instead of filtering dust and other debris particles as they should, these particles will collect on the AC system’s evaporator coils and cause them to malfunction, making them susceptible to leaking due to corrosion.

The purpose of an air conditioner’s evaporator coils is to absorb heat from indoor air and transfer heat to the refrigerant flowing through the coils. Leaking coils can make your AC system malfunction and become uncharged, reducing efficiency.

Have a qualified service technician check your air conditioner’s coils at least twice a year and clean them. If the coils collect dust often, which isn’t uncommon, consider having the coils cleaned every month. Regular professional maintenance of your cooling system can help prevent mishaps and malfunctions.

Motor Wear and Tear

When an AC system’s motor collects dust or has low lubricant levels, it will work harder to maintain basic functions, which can cause excessive wear and tear on the windings and bearings that allow the motor to turn. Have a service technician confirm that the motor has proper lubrication and doesn’t require repairs.

Thermostat Malfunctions

If you can’t seem to get the perfect temperature in your home, the thermostat or thermostat sensor may be the culprit. A malfunctioning thermostat can cause your AC system to set incorrect cooling temperatures.

An AC thermostat malfunction can occur due to loose wiring, loose electrical components, a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse. If the thermostat is dirty, the accumulated dust and debris can decrease its performance by blocking the sensors.

Improperly Sized Equipment

Your cooling system may not function as it should because you have the wrong size of equipment for your home. Oversized air conditioners can quickly reach set temperatures; however, they will turn on and off repeatedly. This is known as short cycling.

Short cycling wastes tons of energy and decreases the AC system’s lifespan. If your air conditioner is too small for your home, it has to run all day to maintain the set temperature.

Make sure your air conditioner is the proper size for your home. An HVAC professional can help you choose the best appliance for your home and minimize malfunctions with the proper maintenance.

Age of the Air Conditioner

The older an air conditioner gets, the less efficient it becomes. Regular maintenance can keep your AC system operating for 10 to 15 years. However, at some point, you’ll need to replace it.

If your air conditioner continuously breaks down or needs repairs, it’s time to replace it. Although choosing a new appliance can be a daunting task, new air conditioners are more efficient than older ones and can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Here at B.M.C. Clower Heating and Air Conditioning, we want to ensure your home remains as comfortable as possible by providing the best air conditioning services. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

Image provided by iStock

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